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IHL Bot Commands.

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IHL Bot Commands. Empty IHL Bot Commands.

Mesaj  Razer.981RioShy Sam Iun 04, 2011 2:59 pm

Gaming Commands
[.startgame] starts signup for a game, one it has 10 players it will randomise the teams and tell the gn, then you can play;
the default game mode is "cm", if you want to change it, do .startgame mode [mode], like this

.startgame mode ap

[.extend] Extends the signup timeout.
[.sign] signs you in once the game is up
once 9 more users have signed in, the game creator must confirm the start of the game by typing in .confirmstart
[.out] to sign out, if the game hasnt started yet
[.mode] to see the game mode, host of the game can set the mode with this command too ex. .mode ap
If a game mode is spelled exactly as "draft", or the command .draft is given by both captains, then after the player picks are done, bot will select around 18 heroes from all dota heroes, and the captains will pick heroes in turns exactly in the same way they picked players. After that an allpick game with the selected heroes should commence.
If a game mode in a challenge is spelled exactly as "quickstart", the game will have the following form: after enough people signed into the pool, captains close the signup by giving a .ready command, after this each of them picks a hero for himself out of 8 random heroes given. All other players in the pool get random heroes assigned, and by picking a player captain automatically gets the corresponding hero for the team.
[.limit] sets a certain minimum experience restriction for entering players. Can also be used with .startgame. The default limit is 0.

.startgame limit 1000

[.cap] sets a certain maximum experience restriction for entering players. Can also be used with .startgame. The default limit is 10000

.startgame cap 1100

[.result] sentinel(.result scourge/.result draw) to report result, you need at least 2 reports from each team to close a game
[.listplayers] to see, who has already signed in
[.stats] to check out your current stats, .stats {username} for another player
[.deny/forbid] [player] avaliable to host; will sign a player out and stop him from signing again for current game.
[.forceabort] allows captains to cancel a game during the hero drafting phase on mutual agreement.
[.cancelgame] allows captains to cancel a game immediately after start on mutual agreement. Minor Confidence loss.
[.top] to display the current top 3 players; can be used by non-stuff only once@5min
[.top] [amount]
[.teams] to see the teams for the current game you are in
[.exclude] [username] if a player drops or leaves a game, must be typed in at least by 4 players BEFORE the game is closed. The excluded player gets a rating and confidence penalty, if he is on the losing team they lose less experience, on the winning - they gain a bit more. Take note, a very useful command.
[.truant] [username] a more strict analogue of exclude, higher penalties, and automatically cancels the current game. Should be used if a player leaves a game in its beginning(so there is no sense to continue), or refuses to start, or commits a violation of rules that leads to ruining whole game - use common sense when to apply it, needs to be typed in by 6 players from the same game.
[.censure] [username] if a player did extremely bad in a game you can initiate an offense towards the selected player. He receives a confidence penalty, though you also lose some of yours as a price.
[.challenge] [player] to start a captains` game, players .sign in, then captains must use [.pick] [player] to select their team from signed players. [.listpool] to see, who has signed, [.listteams] to show the current teams, [.listheroes] to show the current heroes.
[.abort] to stop signup for a game instantly, also works once the game is full, but start isn`t confirmed; available to host only;[.reject] is the appropriate command for challenge mode, available to captains
[.lastgame] <player> to see the name of the last game of a player/self. Also shows the date of player`s last activity in channel
[.gamedetail] [game] to see the details on specified game(alias .info)
[.games] to see the games currently in progress; and how long ago they started(in minutes).
[.compare] [username]
[.compare] [username1] [username2] to compare statistics of selected players, simple enough
[.verify] use if for some odd reason you can`t sign into games even if you are authed and allowed to
[.censure] [username] use to express your disregard towards certain player`s behavior in your last game. See link at the bottom of the page for more info
[.whois] [username] Returns detailed information for the specified user. Doesn`t work if a game is active.
[.whoami] Returns detailed information about youself. Doesn`t work if a game is active.
[.voteloser] [username] If a player played extremely bad in a game or he was unmannered you could use this command and he will get timebanned and will lose some confidence factor too. Players from same game can vote with command: .vote
[.find] [username] Search for a player! Example: .find DotA (It will find all players that have DotA in there names)
[.where] [username] Shows if a player is in a game or signed.


Mesaje : 88
Data de înscriere : 04/06/2011
Varsta : 32
Localizare : In the sky

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